uploads/mother lode.jpg

mother lode 主礦脈,母脈。

mother of presidents

The big score ? the mother lode ? the one you ' ve been waiting for 什么大案子?是你期待已久的嗎?

We have hit the mother lode of mother lodes 就發現了無數的財寶

Son of a bitch ! we ' ve struck the mother lode 靠!我們挖到寶了!

. . . we have hit the mother lode of mother lodes 就發現了無數的財寶

What kind of mother lode are we talking about here ? for real . reality 多少財寶呢?說真的

These little buggers were exposed to the mother lode of radiation 這些東西暴露在輻射下

We found a what do you call it - - mother lode -我們找到了一種.你把他們叫什么? -主礦脈